We offer a wide range of services to our members to ensure their journey as an employer is streamlined and legally sound.
Practical orientation training for management in interpreting, administrating and managing the requirements for sound labour relations.
Representation of members at the CCMA, Bargaining Councils and Industry Forums and in the Labour Court.
Formulating company strategies, policies and procedures in accordance with SA Labour Legislation.
Management training in interfacing with employees, Trade Unions and employee representatives.
Negotiation of procedural, substantive and collective agreements between organised labour and members.
Regulating relations between members and their employees or trade unions and to protect and further the interests of members in relation to their employees.
Promoting, supporting or opposing as may be deemed expedient, any proposed legislative or other measures affecting the interests of members.
Sectors and Industries
We represent every sector of the market and ensure that you are kept up to day with latest governings and rulings. See our news and documents pages for more information pertaining to your specific sector.
Advertising, Information Technology, Media & Technology, Printing,
Aviation, Chemical, Clothing, Fuel, Furniture, Import/Export, Logistics, Motor, Retail & Wholesale, Textiles, Transport
Banking & Finance, Consulting, Legal, Professional, Real Estate, Security
Cleaning, Education, Entertaining, Food, Health, Hospitality, Restaurant, Service
Agriculture, Building & Construction, Electrical, Engineering/Iron/Steel, Forestry, Industrial, Manufacturing, Mining, Plastics
Domestic, Medical & Medical Aid, Public Sector, Welfare and Other